Buying Second-Hand Commercial Equipment: Bargain or Ripoff?
So, you’re looking to purchase some commercial equipment and you are considering buying second-hand to save some money.
The question is however, will you really be saving money? Let’s have a look at that option. In our video below you will see we have a Berjaya, 1,000 litre fridge.
Berjaya – It’s a well-known brand so this is a good start, the fridge looks good, the shelving looks very good there are no dents or marks, there is no cracked glass so really this fridge second-hand would sell maybe for around the $1500 mark. The question is however, what are you really getting for your $1500?
Do you know how old the fridge is? No, because there’s no manufacturing date on most commercial fridges so you can never tell how old the fridge or freezer is.
You can’t tell if any repairs have been done to it, you can’t tell if any servicing has been done and you cannot tell how good or reliable the unit is. You can’t call in a refrigeration mechanic to check it out because unlike a car you can’t check out and see how well the fridge is going to perform and how long a life it has.
So, let’s just say you’ve paid your $1,500, you get three months down the track and the compressor goes well there’s $1,000 expense to replace the compressor so you’re $1,500 investment has now cost you $2,500.
For $2,500 Perth Commercial Kitchens could have sold you a brand new 1,000 litre fridge with 2 year parts and labour warranty PLUS a bonus 2 years on parts.
When you are looking at second-hand what are you buying?
Buy with confidence, buy new, buy from Perth Commercial Kitchens in Wangara. Local Stock, Imported Direct so you Save.